Bergen 2003

The 3th annual conference of the EASR was held in Bergen, Norway on 8-10 May 2003.

The theme was “The Globalisation and the Localisation of Religion”. For details on the conference see the conference announcement below.

The 2003 EASR General Assembly took place on 10 May 2003.

Minutes of the 2003 General Assembly
Report 2002-2003 by the EASR President
Report 2002-2003 by the EASR General Secretary


The 3rd congress of the EASR will be organised by the Norwegian Association for the History of Religions in collaboration with the Department for the History of Religions at the University of Bergen. Papers and suggestions for panels are especially invited that relate to the topic of the globalisation and the localisation of religion.

In the context of the study of religion, globalisation refers to the effects rapid means of communication, as well as economical, political and cultural forces of integration, are having on the interaction of religious traditions, on the internal developments of these traditions, and on the emergence of new religious forms. Localisation refers to the accommodation, and creative re-interpretation, of larger religious traditions and trends within local contexts; from one point of view, localisation is the dialectical counterpart to globalisation. Localisation also thematises the role of “place” in religion.

Papers should address both theoretical aspects and empirical cases relevant to the theme. Contributions exploring historical analogies to contemporary globalisation processes, or diachronic perspectives, are invited as well.

The congress will also have status as a special conference of the International Association for the History of Religions, and be a venue for meetings of the IAHR International Committee and the IAHR Executive Committee.

Proposals for papers and for panel sessions may be sent to Einar Thomassen, IKRR-Religion, Oisteinsgate 3, N-5007 Bergen, Norway. (einar.thomassen(à)

Proposals may be submitted now, and we encourage you to do so early. A second announcement giving precise deadlines will be sent out in October. At that time specific information regarding accommodation, the conference fee, and other practical matters will be provided as well. In the meantime, be assured of our concern to make your visit to Bergen affordable as well as enjoyable!