Groningen 2014

The 13th EASR Annual Conference was hosted by the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion at the University of Groningen, 11-15 May 2014.

The conference theme was: “Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge”.

Please see the EASR / NGG 2014 conference website.

General Assembly 2014

The General Assembly took place on 14th of May 2014

Minutes of the 2014 General Assembly (Groningen)

In 2014, the University of Groningen celebrated its 400th Anniversary. The joint conference of the EASR, IAHR, and the NGG were held immediately before the official celebration weeks of the University commenced. The conference theme, too, was related to the 400th anniversary, as it focused on various ways in which European universities have engaged the topic of religion since the Middle Ages and the Reformation. The place of religion in the global ‘entangled histories’ today, as well as the formation of the academic study of religion, have been determined by pluralities of knowledge in many ways.

Call for Proposals

Contributions from various disciplines and perspectives to explore the nexus of religion, pluralism, and knowledge are invited. A conversation among theoretical, historical, and empirical contributions is encouraged. Papers and panels may address topics such as the following:

  • The pluralistic nature of knowledge about religion, including different disciplinary perspectives and new concepts: history as imaginative knowledge, sociology of knowledge, knowledge and space, materiality of knowledge (goods, objects, machines, instruments), aesthetics of knowledge, knowledge as related to gender and race, etc.;
  • Various forms of knowledge about religion: rational knowledge, imaginative and poetic knowledge, explicit and implicit knowledge, embodied knowledge, ritual knowledge, etc.
  • Historical developments, changes, and reconfigurations of knowledge systems that relate to the field of religion;
  • Procedures and politics in the organization of knowledge about religion: production, reception, circulation, transmission, (de)legitimization, (de)canonization, traditionalization, but also the rejection, marginalization, and exclusion of knowledge.

In addition to these subtopics and approaches, we encourage contributions that address other aspects of the conference theme. Proposals of contributions and panels that are not directly linked to the conference theme will also be considered. There will be panels for the presentation of ongoing doctoral research. Requirements for proposals: Proposals for individual papers and for pre-arranged sessions need to consist of an abstract of no more than 150 words (to be used in the program book, should the paper and/or session be accepted) and an outline of the proposed paper and/or session with no more than 500 words. Proposals will have to provide names of presenter(s) and their email address(es). Please indicate clearly whether you are applying for an individual paper, a pre-arranged session, or the presentation of ongoing doctoral research. All proposals should be sent as an e-mail or as a Word document attached to an e-mail to easr2014.thrs(à) There will be a double-blind peer-review process. All proposals will be evaluated by an independent committee, consisting of members of the organization committee and the scientific advisory board.

Launch of Call for Proposals: 1 May 2013
Deadline for submitting themes for pre-arranged sessions: 15 October 2013 
Announcement of approved themes for pre-arranged sessions: 1 November 2013
Deadline for submitting proposals for individual papers and for pre-arranged sessions: 1 December 2013 
Notification of acceptance: 15 January 2014