Asociaţia română de istorie a religiilor / Romanian Association for the History of Religions (RAHR)

The Romanian Association for the History of Religions was established in 1997 and became affiliated to the IAHR in Tokyo, 2005. It publishes two academic journals: . Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions (founded 1997) and Studia Asiatica. International Journal of Asian Studies (founded 2000). Together with the Centre for the History of Religions of the University of Bucharest, the RAHR hosted the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference: „Religious History of Europe and Asia“, Bucharest, 20-23 September 2006. The scientific project proposed by the RAHR Board concerning the foundation of an Institute for History of Religions was adopted in 2007 by the Romanian Academy. The RAHR has been a member of the EASR since 2002


Andrei Oisteanu, Str. Jean-Louis Calderon no. 22, sector 2, 121 136 – Bucharest, Romania
Email: oisteanu(à)


Eugen Ciurtin, Lecturer & Secretary of the Scientific Council, Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13 sect. 5, Bucharest 050711, Romania
Tel.: +40 733 951 953 or +40 721 877 659
Email: e.ciurtin(à)


Mihaela Timus Str. Crisana 20-22, ap. 22