Guidelines concerning the EASR individual membership for scholarly organisations
1) Scholarly organisations (associations, societies, networks, etc.) based in Europe that are not national associations for the study of religions, but which have a thematic or regional focus related to the scientific study of religions, can apply for affiliation to the EASR. If the application is accepted, they become “affiliated organisations” of the EASR.
2) Affiliated organisations have the possibility to propose sessions under their names at the annual EASR conferences. They also have the possibility to hold a business meeting during those conferences, depending on the availability of rooms.
3) Affiliated organisations may send a non-voting delegate to the EC meetings of the EASR. All members of affiliated organisations will have the possibility to attend the meetings of the General Assembly of the EASR without the right to vote.
4) Members of affiliated organisations may have access to a limited number of bursaries for the participation in EASR conferences. The number of bursaries available to affiliated organisations will be decided every year for the following year.
5) Applications for affiliation are submitted to the Membership Officer, who then presents them at the next EC meeting. If endorsed by the EC, they are then submitted to the General Assembly for final approval.
6) Affiliated organisations pay an annual fee. The fee is €60 per year. In case the organisation is also an affiliated organisation of the IAHR, the fee is reduced to €40.
7) A list of affiliated organisations, including dedicated pages with relevant details and links to respective websites when applicable, will be made available on the EASR website.
8) Affiliation to the EASR will be declared lapsed by the Executive Committee if any dues remain unpaid after six consecutive notifications within a period of 18 months. Where any dues remain unpaid for three years, the organisation’s name will be struck from the list.
These guidelines were approved by the EASR General Assembly in Leuven, 19 September 2017.